• Workshop
Foto: Enrico Gallina

onCe Festival | Workshop Company Blu

Sa 20.05. | 10:00 Uhr

Digging it. Made on the spot

In the panorama of the performance arts, improvisation, for its feature of unfixed-ness is created directly on stage and needs a particular contact with the space, a collaborative relationship between performers and an immediate communication with the audience. Digging into made on the spot composition methods, this participatory, surprising and provocative format feeds on mobility of thought and movement techniques, stimulates collective intelligence, dynamism and creativity.

Der Workshop dauert insgesamt 6 Stunden.
Je 3 Stunden an den Tagen: 20.05. & 21.05.; je 10:00-13:00

The workshop lasts a total of 6 hours.
3 hours each on the days: 20.05. & 21.05.; each 10:00-13:00

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