• Tanz

Labormanifest #6

Tanznetz Freiburg

Do 24.05. | 09:00 Uhr

SO 20.05. bis SO 03.06.2018

LABORMANIFEST is a platform for reflection, visions, development, research and networking. This year the proposed focus is DANCE – RESEARCH AND FEEDBACK CULTURE The platform is organised by Dancers for Dancers and is funded by the local cultural municipality and Tanzpakt Germany.

This sixth edition will give artists a space to work on their specific artistic questions – in exchange with other dance artists. Furthermore, there will be a focus on feedback culture and communication in the artistic process.

In the morning there will be a trainining for professional dancers from 9 to 11 a.m in SÜDUFER, first floor – which is open to non-participants too.
For further information: labormanifest@tanznetz-freiburg.de


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