Tanz / Performance / Networking
Das „LABORMANIFEST“ ist eine diskursive und performative Plattform, die zweimal jährlich im SÜDUFER verortet ist. Sie wird von der freien Tanzszene in Freiburg initiiert und in Selbstorganisation umgesetzt. Es ist ein Raum für Reflektion, Vision, Weiterentwicklung, Forschung und Vernetzung von, für und mit Tanzschaffende(n). In der fünften Ausgabe richten wir den Fokus auf künstlerische Entwicklung. Wie immer gibt es auch Raum für spontane Kollaborationen, Jams, Profitraining, Aktionen & Vernetzung in den #OPEN RESEARCH SPACES. Samstag ab 20 Uhr laden wir die Öffentlichkeit zum #OFFENEN STUDIO mit anschließender #PARTY ins Südufer ein.
Das ARTISTIC DEVELOPMENT COACHING PROGRAM, geleitet von Monica Gillette und Matan Zamir, bietet 3 Choreographinnen aus Freiburg und professionellen Tänzer*Innen überregional, eine Bildungsplattform, um sich unter professioneller Leitung auszuprobieren, Erfahrung zu sammeln und auszutauschen.
BEGRÜßUNG/PLANUNG SO 15.10. 2017 um 17:00
MO – FR 16. – 20.10.2017
#MORNING PRACTISE 7:30 – 08:30
#PROFITRAINING 9:00 – 10:30
Teilnahme kostenlos, nur mit Bewerbung 10:30 – 18:00
#OPEN RESEARCH SPACE 16:00 – 22:00
#JAM DO 19.10. ab 20:00
ab 20:00 | anschließend PARTY Eintritt auf Spendenbasis
#TANZ AM MORGEN SA+SO 21./22.10. | 9:30-11:00
WEITERE INFOS UND ANMELDUNG: labormanifest@web.de | www.suedufer-freiburg.de
BIO´s von den MentorInnen für das „Artistic Development Coaching Programm“ :
Matan Zamir is an Israeli Berlin based choreographer and performer. He was a member of the Batsheva Dance Ensemble under the artistic direction of Ohad Naharin and has worked with Yasmeen Godder as a creating performer, artistic collaborator and rehearsal director. Since moving to Berlin in 2002 he has worked with Sasha Waltz, Benoit Lachambre, Michaela Casper, Kiriakos Hadjiioannou and Peaches, among others. In 2005, he founded matanicola with Italian choreographer and performer Nicola Mascia. Their body of work includes 7 evening-length pieces, site-specific creations, festival curation, installations and improvisation projects. In 2014, together with Gal Naor, he founded The Progressive Wave, a project that aims to translate complex spiritual ideas into an innovative audio-visual performative language. In 2016, Matan was invited to create a piece for D.Lab dance company in Shanghai, China and in 2017 to collaborate on a video installation with Hanayo Nakajima at MOT museum for contemporary art in Tokyo, Japan. Matan Zamir is regularly teaching contemporary dance classes and leads movement research workshops internationally.
Monica Gillette is a choreographer, dramaturg and project developer for interdisciplinary research. After an education in classical ballet, Monica developed a career in the field of contemporary dance, collaborating with several international choreographers in Los Angeles and New York before a DanceWEB scholarship to Impulstanz took her abroad in 2007. Monica was a founding member of the artist driven network Sweet & Tender Collaborations, fostering projects that challenged format, medium and modes of collaboration. In 2008, she began working at Theater Freiburg as a dancer and choreographer and was the co-artistic director of two research projects in collaboration with University Freiburg – BrainDance (2014) and Störung/Hafra’ah (2015-16) – in Germany and Israel. For these projects, she co-created a multifaceted research design that brought together dancers, scientists and people with Parkinson’s to explore different facets of human movement and what it means to gradually lose control over it. She leads movement research workshops internationally and has worked as a mentor to dance artists in Germany and Italy, most recently for the Dancemakers 1 project at Centro per la scene Contemporaneo.
tanznetz | freiburg & guests
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