• Konzert

Freispiel: Beam Splitter

Mo 16.11. | 20:30 Uhr

… as with many seemingly incongruous pairings, what defines the subtle union of this duo are the deeper synergies that are simmering beneath the surface. Together, Nørstebø and Chen, with the three sources of trombone, voice and cello, maneuver a balance between fragility, intimacy, the ecstatic and measured control.

They share a common sense of pulse and an inherent understanding of the way they each aurally manage and let go of every consecutive moment. The lungs release through to mouths to bell to strings, back and forth like a tactile breathing exchange.

Nur Abendkasse !


Audrey Chen – voice/cello | 
Henrik Munkeby Nørstebø – trombone

Eintritt 11 € / 7 €
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